Empowering effortless reading of global books
Top 20 translation quicklinks
Translate your epub or pdf books to your favorite language online. Select the translation pair you want from the following links.
How to translate your book in 3 simple steps
Select and upload your book
Choose the book file you want to translate and upload it. We support EPUB (preferred) and PDF formats.
Start AI-powered translation
Select the translation mode and target language, submit the order and make the payment. Our AI will translate your book in just one minute.
Download the translated book
You will receive an email with the download link or you can check the translation history on the website. Download and enjoy reading.
Full book translation with just one click
Whether you're tackling a novel or a textbook, our one-click book translation service delivers accurate translations that honour the author's original intent. It's the go-to tool for anyone looking to read foreign books.
Best book translation quality
We use the latest AI technology to ensure the best translation quality. Our algorithms are designed to understand context, nuances, and cultural references, providing translations that are not only accurate but also natural and fluent.
Bilingual content comparison for better understanding
Our service provides bilingual comparison translations, enabling you to effortlessly compare the original text with the translation, thereby improving your comprehension of the content.
Lightning-fast translations in just one minute
Experience our lightning-fast service, delivering accurate translations in just one minute. Say goodbye to long waits and tedious manual translations, and embrace efficiency and speed.
Support for a wide range of languages
Experience seamless reading in more than 74 languages including Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, Dutch, Hindi, Turkish, Vietnamese, Thai, Greek, Swedish, Polish, and many more.
Access to your translation history
Effortlessly track your translation history and swiftly access previously translated books anytime. Our platform ensures all your translation tasks are securely stored for your future download.
74 languages supported and growing
BookTranslator offers translation services for over 74 languages. Simply click on your desired language to find the translation pair and begin the translation process.